Friday, April 10, 2009

Postcards Exchange

Our art group has been having an exchange of postcards. This is one I made by clipping bits from an old book I found at the local thrift store for 25 cents. It's called Sewing Made Easy by Mary Lynch and Dorothy Sara, published by Garden City in 1950. I cut the shirt and pants from bits of cloth.

The words are from the section entitled You and Your Accessories ... "general instructions on selecting hats, shoes, stockings, gloves, furs, handbags, and jewelry. Specific instructions for choosing accessories if you are tiny, if you are tall if you are plump". The quote in brown isn't from that book ... it's from Gilda Radner. I miss that woman

I base my fashion sense
on what doesn't itch


Kay said...

I loved Gilda Radner, too. She was so funny and incredibly brave.

Nan said...

This is great! An art group - isn't that just the best thing. Speaking of postcards, I've got a whole bunch from my parents' trips over the years, mostly 1950s and 60s. The 'motor courts' are my favorites, and those in the Florida of those days.